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10 Tips to Get You Excited About Your Health and Wellness Goals

So yes, there are these star clients that I have that are willing to take all of my recommendations I make and they really change their health and their life quickly. But there are also the people who are more resistant. The ones who want to keep the old habits that are holding them back and also...

Skinny Jeans not fitting? Here's What to Do.

I know that there are two big reasons many of my followers follow me based on all of the messages coming through my DM inbox. Either you may be dealing with a thyroid issue as I haveā€¦ or you might be struggling with dieting, restrictive/ disordered eating/ body imageā€¦ like I did. Today weā€™re goin...

What's creeping in your supplements?

Throughout the course, I've told the people who are taking it about various supplements that might be helpful for hormonal balance and digestive issues. I wanted to take time to dive a little deeper into the topic of supplements in a newsletter because I know itā€™s a really hot topic.Ā  Today we'r...

How to: Achieve Optimal Health through the Four Pillars of WBK

Ā  Iā€™m really passionate about talking about the four pillars of WBK. They are nourishment, movement, mediation, and purpose. Because as Iā€™ve continued on this personal journey of growth and wellness and health and I teach different ideas and philosophies on balancing hormones and living with vit...