Questions to Ask Yourself Before Setting Your New Years Intentions
Jan 26, 2024
Years ago, when I finally let go of my food rules and embraced a more intuitive way of eating, I also relinquished my New Year's resolutions, which had always revolved around weight loss. Instead, I started to really embrace a new tradition that has enabled me to align more closely with my values, aspirations, and dreams.
I think that before jumping into another program or buying another membership, its so important for us all to take the first week or so of the year to reflect on the last 12 months. Personally, this intentional pause allows me to reestablish a profound connection with myself, so that I can dive deep into the core of my experiences and lessons from the prior year. Contrary to the conventional approach of hastily crafting resolutions on January 1, I've prefer a more deliberate and gradual immersion into the year and in doing so, I have found that it really allows me to feel more focused and accomplished.
Instead of imposing strict rules in the early moments of the year, I find solace in the art of easing into what I want to accomplish. A big part of why so many people fail is because they think that the have to do this huge overhaul all at once. So these days, for me, this process involves a deliberate exploration of my values, a careful consideration of my aspirations, and the crafting of intentions that resonate authentically with my innermost desires. It's a nuanced ritual that allows integration of how Im evolving with the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
So where should you start?
Grab a pen and paper!
If you've kept a journal I would recommend looking back at the notes you've kept this past year. What twists-and-turns have happened in the last 12 months? How did you evolve? Are there moments that the you from a year ago never could have imagined?
From there, it's time to set intentions but before you do... An issue I see with a lot of my clients and that I personally had for so long is that the goals that we set come from a place of what other people's expectations are or from a place of wanting to be perfect. This manifests as seeking approval from others, striving for perfection, and persistently worrying about potential disapproval or anger from those around us.
So what are the intentions you want to set for YOU?
Are there areas of your like that rather than achieving more, you can work on softening and enjoying what is?
Finally, as you prepare to embark on something new – whether speaking to yourself with compassion, eating intuitively, moving with more joy, setting boundaries, healing your hormones, or something else - think about the foundational skills you need to set first. Going back to that point of not overhauling all at once, because it never works, what are the first few small things that will help you set the stage to get to that better version of yourself you're envisioning? How can you track and follow through with those foundational things?
If you like what you hear here, and you want to learn more about how to remain consistent with the goals you're setting this New Year's while maintaining an air of ease, grace and compassion through it all, come join us in the break free from self sabotage 30 day program - you can still get in now and gain all the insights to become the version of you you want to be