5 Tips for Busy People to Eat Healthier
Jun 23, 2021
While I’m the biggest proponent of intuitive eating, I also truly believe in eating healthy the majority of the time because it’s what makes me feel my best! I truly believe that you can eat intuitively AND healthfully and you can learn more about that in my 17-week online course.
I honestly didn’t use to eat intuitively or healthfully. I always said I was “too busy” for it. So I would find myself in a drive-through at 8 pm for dinner or skipping meals during the day and being ravenous at night. A HUGE factor in the hormone disruption I experienced and why I was always feeling low energy, had a face full of acne and was chronically bloated. Do you feel me?
Nowadays I see so many clients with the same exact issues. The excuse “I just don’t have the time!”. But Who isn’t crazy busy these days? I know I still am! Trying to eat healthier can feel like a burden because at first, it takes longer to prepare food that’s good for you. Yet food is information for your DNA. Eating your kids’ leftover pizza or macaroni and cheese is not the type of information that I want you to send to your DNA because that’s a big part of what causes all your symptoms. If you are feeling like you’ve got no spare time to eat healthier, follow some of these tips!
- They say out of sight, out of mind for a reason. Because it’s SO true. I keep my blender on the counter as a visual cue to make more healthy shakes. You can do this with any other kitchen gadget that might encourage you to make good choices. And then keep the chips, candy, and processed food out of your pantry and in the grocery store. So you’re not even tempted! You can buy those things for birthday parties and special events but on the regular fill your fridge with the good stuff you want to fill upon.
- When I buy kale or other dark leafy greens or even my celery, I chop it immediately. The celery I put into bags in the fridge for juice and the greens I chop into fine ribbons and place them in bags in the freezer for smoothies and soups. That way they don’t become a wilted mess in the refrigerator, and it’s super easy to grab a few handfuls to add to a healthy shake or soup or vegetable stir fry. Research proves that freezing preserves the nutrient density, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals found in many vegetables. It’s worth it.
- When I come downstairs from work and a glass of wine is calling to me, I pour a glass of filtered water and add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a squeeze of lemon. I drink it before the wine to get hydrated, make better decisions, and stabilize blood sugar. Studies have found that consuming two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before a high-carb meal significantly reduces blood glucose levels in people with insulin resistance.
- I prep my own to-go salads and bowls and keep them in my fridge. The heaviest veggies go at the bottom: sweet potatoes, carrots, hearts of palm, and artichokes. Medium weight in the center: finely chopped fennel, cauliflower rice, brown rice, and beans. Lightest on top: chopped romaine, broccoli sprouts, arugula, fresh herbs. I use a large mason jar that holds about 8 ounces of salad, so it’s pretty and easy to grab when I come home from my office. I toss them in a bowl with avocado oil dressing and have a salad in less than a minute. I like to prep a few of these on Sundays so I have them on hand on busy client call days.
- Stir Frys are my best friend on nights where I don’t have it in me to cook a full dinner. Since I started stir-frying vegetables more often, I found that a smaller wok and cutting board work better and encourage me to focus on vegetables. It was just a pain handling and washing that huge wok and wood cutting board when I’m only feeding four people. If it ain’t easy, it just won’t happen in this house! Here’s my new favorite wok. Be realistic and find the equipment that works for you.
Healthy eating has so many benefits for your health! Why not find shortcuts that encourage and enable you to prepare healthier nutrient-dense meals?
What are some of your favorite methods to cut down on prep time and maximize the nutritional quality of your food? Share them with me on Instagram!